Friday 10 October 2008

Just where do you find the time? (Part 2)

This week continued in much the same form as the previous week, but with more varied reasons for not being able to run.
I don't usually run on Mondays so I didn't even consider that as an option, plus, as our current news hack is climbing Kilimanjaro) I had to compose a Comet report for Standalone (it only got edited a little bit, I am pleased with the outcome!). Tuesday is the club night, but a miscommunication between me and my better (not this time) half meant that he brought my running bag as usual to the club but minus my smelly trainers so no running for me! He was away for the latter half of the week so, despite my good intentions, I ended up going out for a drink or two with my new boss and colleague so was in no fit state to run that night or the following morning. I really should no better than to drink on a school night with no dinner, will I ever learn?
So, but the time Thursday came along I was in a right old panic...I was due to visit a friend that evening so no running could be done that day either, then I came up with my ingenious plan. I would run at lunchtime! We have a shower and our office is in Covent Garden so within easy reach of pretty places to run. The only downside is the risk of my colleagues seeing me in lycra. Luckily, I have just invested in some new smart running tops (which were free when buying some trainers) so I at least looked, well, less luminous? I invented a lovely route down to the river, back through St James Park and Green Park, all of which took an hour. Just to feel extra virtuous I had a healthy fruit smoothie from the stall on Earlam street and my halo was back, if a little wonky and tarnished!

This gave me renewed enthusiasm and I even went for a run on Friday night after my Japanese class, 8pm on a Friday night and running round Hitchin, this is the girl who refuses to go supermarket shopping on a Friday night as she thinks it is too sad and now she is running instead?

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