Friday 21 March 2008

All blocked up

I've got a horrible nasty cold. I blame it on working in London. Every morning the train is full of germy people coughing and sneezing. Once I get to work, I sit in an office full of germy people coughing and sneezing. And this week was even worse. We've got some space issues in our office, so much so we are moving offices in May to a swanky new office in Covent Garden. In the meantime we keep emplying people with nowhere for them to sit so most of us are sharing desks now. So I spent last week sat right next to a very germy person with another very germy person very close to me on the other side.
Actually, thinking about it the signs were there last weekend, I am a classic example of a runner who ignores the signs and just keeps on running anyway. Since the Oakley 20 I haven't run at all as first I was too tired and then I got a cold. But, I have discovered decongestant tablets, I'm not sure what is in them but they give me a real buzz!

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