Sunday 16 March 2008

Oakley 20

Well, here I am again, tucked up in bed blogging. And it's only 10pm...I had to struggle to keep myself awake this long, running 20 miles is a very tiring business!

Two thoughts ran through my head when I was woken up by the alarm at 7am today. 1: it can't still be raining can it? Oh yes it can... 2: I still feel a bit rough, like I am coming down with a cold. Most of you who know me know that I never drop out of races (probably a very bad habit) so there was no question of me not doing the Oakley 20 today. Gary had sugegsted maybe he could come and watch on his bike but I didn't really expect him to be keen on the idea given the weather so I was very surpised when not long after I got up Gary was vertical and dressed in his cycling gear.
The weather wasn't the greatest to be honest, it was wet and windy but luckily not too cold. After having run The Grizzly in gale force winds and Folskworth 15 in a blizzard and in a huge storm I knew I could handle most weather conditions. I was more worried about the distance, my last 20 miler (Bury 20 last year) was not a great experience with me crawling over the finish line in 3:43 (ouch!).
So, we set off running directly into the wind (yay!) and it took 3 or 4 miles for me to get going, I think this was running into the wind added to a slightly uphill start and no warming up (as it was too wet to go outside!). Luckily the rain started to slacken and the roads got a bit more sheltered so I settled into it. After a while I heard some loud encouragement in the distance. The runners around me remarked on the volume levels of those shouting, I knew it had to be John F, Martyn, Gary and Jo H who were fearlessly cycling round the course. I didn't see them for a couple of minutes after I first heard them which shows how loud they were! They popped up all over the course in many different configurations, I was most impressed, it was nasty weather to be out on a bike!
As time went on I realised I had settled into a nice 10 min/mile pace and there I stayed, maybe slowing slightly but not in the way I usually do, no walking (apart from water stations) and I even started to catch some people up. I've not felt like this running for ages...Gary did remark at one point that I seemed to be going Ok but you couldn't exactly call it running, cheekly so and so.
So in the end I finished strongly in 3:25 which is slightly more than 10 min/mile pace and I still felt strong at the finish: I could walk (just), I didn't feel sick and I was completely compus mentus. And although I am in bed at 10pm I haven't felt too bad since I got home. All in all a good day in the office and if I feel that on marathon day I will be very chuffed indeed.
Oh, and no cold baths for me, I just can't do that. And I am sure the amount I have eaten since returning from the race is not healthy either...blame Nigella for making food too easy and quick to make!

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