Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Goals for training week ending 17 February

Monday: have a rest :-)
Tuesday: circuits (am) and a 4 ish mile run or speed training (pm)
Wednesday: run with the gym running club?
Thursday: circuits 9am) and 6-7 in the evening
Friday: going away for the weekend so I'm going to try and fit my long run in the morning
Saturday or Sunday: 6 mile?

Long run schedule:
Week ending 17 Feb: 14
Week ending 24 Feb: 18
Week ending 2 Mar: 16
Week ending 9 Mar: Grizzly - 20
Week ending 16 Mar: Oakley 20? (not entered yet)
Week ending 23 Mar:16
Week ending 30 Mar: 14
Week ending 6 April: 10

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