Wednesday 27 February 2008

Training Update - 27 Feb

Training so far this week is going ok. I had a pretty good run on Sunday but my legs were a little tired on Monday and Tuesday. I've had my usual Monday rest day and then ran around 5 miles on Tuesday at the club with Christine. Actually, we set off with Lorraine too but she was clearly feeling very perky and off she ran into the distance! And today was another rest day, so far so good this week...

The plan for the rest of the week is Hitchin Hills on Thursday, a long (18) miles run on Saturday or Sunday and a 8 mile run on Saturday/Sunday (I'm going to be a barrel of laughs this weekend.)

Today's exciting news is that both Gary and I have got places in the New York Marathon. I had forgotten but I've entered the ballot three times in a row which guarantees me an entry, they even e-mailed me to tell me, so organised! At this point we realised that Gary's half marathon time (and almost his marathon time but not quite) mean he can get an entry based on his speedy nature. So we've just spent $221 each (OUCH!) and booked flights and hotels so we're off, yippee! This wasn't really in my plan for the year but it is way too much of a good opportunity to miss and I am now very excited.

By the way, I've really been enjoying reading Lissa and Secret Squirrel's blogs's a pity there aren't a few more of them, c'mon, sign up if you are reading. Lissa seems to suffer from the same guilt complexes at not running as I do (although that is probably the only way in which our running is similar), it's reassuring to know I am not alone...


Tash said...

Wow.... New York Marathon! How exciting. Well done. I did it in 2006 & absolutely loved it. I also have a place in 08, though if I even mention going back to New York again, think I will be dis-engaged pretty quickly! But as they say.... where there's a will there's a way!

Lindsay said...

Yay, you commented! I am very excited about NY marathon although it is a long way away...